Large scale on-site solar project for an industrial client
A Government of India Recognized Export House, and one of India’s largest and most reputed producers of 100% cotton yarn and fabrics, located in the Bhilwara hub, wanted to reduce its dependence on its captive coal-based power plant and become more competitive in the market by sourcing cost-efficient solar energy. SunSource Energy supported the client way back in 2016 by building a 1 MW solar power plant and since then, it has further delivered 3 more large-scale on-site solar projects for the client, taking the total capacity to 11.6 MW.
Location: Rajasthan
Project Capacity: 11.6 MW
Solution: Off-Site Solar
Estimated CO2 Offset: 45 million kg
Savings: Up to 40%
Year Commissioned: Commissioned in 4 phases
Equivalent Trees Plantation: 9,00,000
Delivered 4 projects for the same client.
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