One of the first private solar+storage projects for an educational institute in India
In 2013, Buddha Public Shcool, a residential school in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh, approached SunSource Energy to support them with a solar+storage project to reduce their reliance on Diesel-based power. The school, that saw frequent power cuts used to source a large part of its energy need from expensive and polluting diesel-based power.
Today, the project supports Buddha public with clean energy for over 300 days in a year.
Location: Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh
Project Capacity: 100kW+300kWh
Solution: Off-Site Solar
Estimated CO2 Offset:3 Million kg
Savings: Up to 60%
Year Commissioned: 2013
Project offsets power from DG sets for over 300 days a year. The DG set runs only for 15 to 20 days in a Year (Only in overcast conditions)
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