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19-07-2022 Press Release

Govt notifies Green Open Access Rules 2022


According to Kushagra Nandan, co-founder and managing director, SunSource Energy, the Rules are a shot in the arm for the green power demand in the C&I segment.

He said that the C&I segment accounts for about 50 per cent of electricity consumption in India and the demand for green energy from this segment, especially from open access projects, has been growing rapidly in the last few years.

“By lowering the threshold for open access from the existing 1 MW to 100KW, the government has opened up the door for this market to multiply multi-fold in the coming few years,” said Nandan.

He further added that notifying a central nodal agency for setting up and operating a single-window green energy open access system for renewable energy, is likely to lead to a simplified approval process and would open up the market in many more states. 

Read the complete story on Economic Times.