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14-12-2023 Press Release

Power Pathways: Clean energy open access challenges and solutions

In the wake of the heightened demand for clean energy fuelled by net zero am­bitions, economic viability and governmental impetus, India has witnessed significant strides in the renewable energy sector. The Green Energy Open Access [GEOA] Rules, introduced by the government in June 2022, constitute a pivotal me­­­­a­­sure that aims to catalyse India’s re­ne­wable energy programmes, ensuring ac­c­essible, sustainable and affordable gr­e­en energy for all. The central idea invol­ved a sh­ift from government-led capa­city installations towards consumer-centric decentra­lised solutions. However, the su­c­cessful re­a­lisation of the benefits of the GEOA Rules faces various challen­ges, necessitating st­ra­tegic solutions.